The Anti-Racist Book Club

The Anti-racist Book Club is a FREE online book club that meets on the last Tuesday of every month (except July and August) to explore an anti-racist text.  The chosen books for the rest of 2024 are below.  

To join please Contact Us and we will add you send you the link to the online room and add you to our mailing list.

Calendar of the Anti-racist Book Club

All meetings are online and start at 19h30 UK time (GMT or BST).  Please Contact Us if you want to join.  Many of the  books we have chosen are also available as audio books on Audible and the links are included to the Amazon book shop.

June / July / August – Summer break

Tuesday 24 September – Dismantling Race in Higher Education edited by Jason Arday and Heidi Mirza.  We are delighted that we will be joined by at least one of the authors for this meeting.

Tuesday 29 October – The Race Conversation by Eugene Ellis.

Tuesday 26 November – The Racial Code by Nicola Rollock

December – Christmas break